So you wonder why you're unemployed...

There is an e-mail forward that is making the rounds right now that shows people in different stages of Ink and Piercing. Some of them are ridiculous; others are just down right scary. I try my best to be open to things, but Jeez, these people look like freaks to me. I can just imagine how conservative America looks at these people with giant holes in their noses, earlobes and lips. Having a few tattoos and piercings myself, I try to remain objective and try “getting inside” their heads, if you will. Self-expression is very important to the Gen Y people and as they get older and begin to enter into the business world, I see some conflicts on the horizon. Those of us who are Gen X and Baby Boomers (for the most part) don’t understand this need for self-expression. We have always maintained that keeping the status quo “alive and well” is a safe way to live and prosper. The previous generations were much occupied with building this great nation, and so the national mind set was singular: contribute to the common good. Work hard so that your children won’t have to. I have found that my dad, a typical Baby Boomer, works seven days a week for the most part. He feels that he is being lazy if doesn’t get out into his shop and paint, stripe or work on something. I can call him on a Sunday afternoon and he’s in his shop. Me, on the other hand, I value my free time. I value self-expression and understand the need to be unique and to make a statement with my clothes, attitude, language and hair style (shaved head currently!). However, keeping up with the Jones’ is also important to me, because I want to be successful as well as look successful. In other words, I like to have “stuff” because “stuff” lets people know something about you. If I drive a nice car, people might say, “He must do well, he’s driving a nice car” or “He’s Dean of Students, he must make really good money”. These things are important to me and yes, I know, it makes me sound really vain, too. However, I think that Gen Y should take notice of these things, because they are important. Most of you are here to get an education so that you can make more money. Which means you must play by the rules. Gen Xers and Baby Boomers make the rules for now. At some point in the future, the Gen Y people will be in their 30’s and 40’s and will begin to control corporate America. They’ll control TV, marketing, fashion and will be able to create for themselves the environment that they long for. Self-expression is important to you on a personal level, but it can keep you from the higher paying jobs because, let’s face it: Corporate America wants clones. Those who dress the same talk the same and have the same values. There’s no room for loose cannons, mavericks or those that buck the system. Why? We want employees that will do their job and not make waves. I know that piercings, especially nose rings, are becoming very common. At some point it may become so common that it won’t matter anymore. But think about this; Baby Boomers and Matures perceive these things as bad. I would even go so far as to say evil. These are the people that you are going to be helping. Do you want them to be afraid of you or judge you as a criminal? In the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, those that had tattoos were hoodlums, criminals and associated with the wrong element. In the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s only rock stars had piercings and tattoos. Most would agree that rock stars are generally perceived as rebellious party animals that live the credo “Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll”. It’s not always the case, but usually there is some truth to it. So when I talk about being professional, I’m talking about what my generation and the previous generation perceive as professional. I know that probably doesn’t seem fair. However consider two things: one, life isn’t ever fair and two, do you want to get paid or not? It may sound like I’m taking a hard line here, but it’s really not the case. I want you to be successful, look successful and make more money. So please consider your outward appearance for a moment. Does my hair style or color, nose ring, earrings, tattoos or dress keep people from seeing my talents and skill sets? Is it more important for me to express myself than have a job that pays my bills? Finally, here at school we have a strict dress code based on what the current industry trends are. When we talk, we are talking with the authority given us by those that make the rules. In the long run, you only hurt yourself. School is not the place to battle these things: you will lose. Wait a few years and when you “own the world” you can make the rules!
ey. youse is crazy mang
i had my septum pierced, then i took it off for no reason, i then couldnt put it back...
i was going to go back to the shop and have them put it back for me, but i lagged. They then said it started to heal so i had to wait till it healed completely, which would take about six months. This means i have to wait till august to pierce it again.
Truthfully, the trends in the world are changing. Although some may not feel that tattoos and piercings are socially acceptable, they are becoming moreso. Being a person that fits in the outer ring of the mold, I realize that having a visible tattoo does make people more judgemental of my apperance. Being six feet tall, 3 feet wide, and bald headed doesn't help much either. I've become accustomed to being stereotyped, and learned how to get people to see past the obvious undesirables. Putting the best face forward, and projecting my self in a positive demeanor is a talent well honed. It is something that is learned, beauty is a gift.
It really depends on what you put in a visible place. Of course a 3 gauge ring bulging out of your face isn't going to go over well by any means, and that is the fault of the participant. A classmate told me, "You see these guys that come in and apply for jobs with "bulldogs" tattooed across their foreheads, and then they wonder why they don't get the job."
They're dumbasses. Plain and simple.
Society is everchanging. I'm used to being the one that stands out, so, if a future employer isn't willing to see past that, I bet I can find five more that will. But my dilemma is easy to conceal, an long sleeve shirt and a little longer time in the morning will conceal the "California Grown" quite efficiently.
Chris Christopherson
Eddie V.
What is said is true. If people believe they're gonna get ahead looking like a hoodlum or something I just can't imagine, then they need to get slap in the face by reality. I know, I know, "we were young and dumb and" well, you get the whole story. The truth is, if you don't even try to make the effort of improving your lifestyle and looks, then all what you're saying in nothing but whinning and crying for people to have some sort of compassion for you. The truth is, you're just making yourself even more retarded then you look. Take it from me, I've seen people that change their life dramatically to make a good living for themselves. It's hard, don't get me wrong on that, but the hardest thing you have to do is get up and try. For if you don't, well, don't be surprize of how the world treats you. The world is a hard place, but don't try to attcak it from the outside, because it's true; you are gonna lose. if you want to make a change, play the game, and then dominate. Beat it from the inside out.
Everyone I know who has tattoos and piercings throughout their faces are all heavy drug users. They are also very immature and still live with their parents. When I look at them, I wonder how they are going to be able to go out and get a job when they finally do grow up. I don't see anything wrong with getting tattoos or piercing, but you can get them in places where they can be covered up when it is time to be conservative. I don't think they even consider their adult lives when they get these tattoos all over their faces and such. More likely than not, they wont even be interested in most of the rediculous things they have tattoos of on their body. I myself will not get a tattoo. I don't want to have something on me that for the most part will never go away.
-P. Smith
I believe in people's need to express themselves, but some things are hard to accept and/or believe, but Nontheless people are different and time do change, so I hope that our future or brlief in a generation that can not pull up their pants or have the common sense to look presentable at job interviews will be able to run a country that looks at its self as being professional looking and on top of things. With the new generation of leaders coming of age, I hope and pray that these kids can grow up and run the simple things that they can not do now, because of the need to express themselves as being rebels. Being a rebel has at times been filled with some great people and famous icons, so let's hope for the best for our future leaders and future mothers and fathers.
Karen S.
We have a friend that he had eyebrows, and lip, pieced, but he had to take them out when he gone to jail. So he really looks different without them. My opinion why would you destroy what God gave you. People stereotype you also because you look like a freak. I seen it in not so much my generation, but ones after me. How does a person like that get a job? They don't, I would not hire someone with that much jewelry on their face especially dealing with the public. It just disgusts me. I understand peoples personal wants, but I disagree. My husband has a tattoo on his chest, but you can not see it if he has a shirt on, that is one thing. Our neighbor down the street had his upper body tattoo up that you could not see any skin. He got jobs, but wearing long sleeve shirts to work. I just don't know what this world is coming to.
Yes, that is, me, us, I...should dress accordingly, but there are always the rule breakers or the fender benders....and to dress appropriatley for a paycheck that way your bills can be paid...I don't think it's too much to ask for....although I should say I am one of those who does get lazy and just let it all hang out...(dress code wise)...I'm sure we've all done that...none the less you are what you wear.....
I strongly believe in a peoples needs to express themselves. I myself have 12 piercings and 2 tattoos. Many people wouldn't believe this by looking at me, and a lot of people don't understand why I "did this to myself." Older people are ignorant in my opinion. They didnt grow up in my generation so I don't expect them to like it, but I do still expect respect from them. I have come to realize though, by having these things I get disrespected by a lot of older people.Its hard to deal with at times, but I'm just being me and if you don't like it then that's your problem. I am sick of people's attitudes towards my piercings and tatts. People have told me "Why are you choosing to mess up your pretty face?" I can't believe when people say this to me. It shows no respect and or class. It's basically calling me ugly just because I have a nose, labret, and tongue piercing that's visible. So what! That doesn't make me ugly or make me anything else. It doesn't mean I'm stupid, a criminal, a slut...anything, but people still will classify me as that. I love shocking people and I hate people that judge other people by the way they look.I will continue to keep my piercings and get more tattoos just to prove these people wrong! I am very smart, and I am not a criminal, and yes I'm a very small and cute girl, and I am not ruining my looks by having these things, I am embracing it! So people will think what they want and judge me however they want, I don't care! Just show me respect just like you would any other human being....
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