I was looking at some pictures over the weekend and I realized that I have taught out four complete BA groups of students. This latest group presented me with some of my greatest accomplishments and some of my greatest challenges. Trying to be all things to all students as an instructor can be, to say the least, a daunting task. With only a couple of notable exceptions, I have got along with every student. I endeavored, everyday, to learn something from my students as well as motivate them to learn something, too. I did my best to be real with all of you and if there is any advice I could give you, it would be: be real with yourself. I’ve learned so much about all of you; your cultures, belief systems, religions, hobbies, likes/dislikes, spouses and children, all the things I need as an instructor to know how to best educate you. For each one of those criteria (think Access query), there are certain things that I’ll do or try to add to my approach. It’s really not that difficult. You just have to know what things go with what criteria. Some of it is text book psychology; some of it is experience. What do people with children need and like? What do married people with no children like? What do single people need and like? All of these things go into the mix. If you were going to be an instructor here at SJVC, how would you approach your classes and what classes would you want to teach?
If I were asked to be an instructoer here at SJVC I would turn it down. In the past three years that I have attended this school(maternity leave was about a year)I have watched the teachers here kick the other teachers in front of their own classroom. I have seen coworkers be jealous because one instructor got something that they "didn't deserve" or that they wanted for themselves. I know that the real world comes with competition. "kill or be Killed" right? But the students get lost in the mix. At times it doesn't even seem that our education is the main priority here. We pay their wages, in every way that counts and we are the ones that get the short end of the stick. You will be missed as an instructor, you are an asset to us. We now have no one that views each one of as equels and important to the function of school. We are not children, we are not beneath the teaching staff, and we should offer respect to the staff not because they are our authority (because they aren't) but because they are helping us to better ourselves. You were the only one here that treated us with that type of respect. I hope that you don't loose that with the politics of management, it's what makes you stand out. You have been a shoulder for many, maybe not me personally as much as others but I know I could go to you if need be. Good Luck on your journey to success, I will keep you and your family in prayer.
If i would be an instructer here at SJVC i would also try to learn a little bit about my students. That way i know whats going on in their life and not expect the impossible for them. Dont get me wrong i would still push them to the best of their capabilities.
If I was to teach at SJVC, I would take the medical field because that is a very important thing for me. I enjoy that field and you meet new people everyday.I had a very wonderful person that help me alot with computers and help me with my own problems too. Thank you Mr. Judd for being there for me and I hope you like your next new job, but I will still see you around and I will go and talk to you. Love you and your teaching and your jokes.You help me alot and show the me with the computers. I have a great help with the help of Mr. Judd.
I would like to be a councilor to help people. I would like to help people out and to be there for them. I would like to tell people about my life to relate it to theirs and to see if it would help.
who dis?
The story of passed loves are far and between anymroe for me, I guess that those things seem very distant and/or meaningless anymore because of the way I look at things now, but I still look back at my past loves and remember the hurt and anguish that I felt when things went bad. The feelings that I have for those of my past is very simple, I wish them the very best and hope and pray that they will never have to feel what I felt when we went our seperate ways. I am not sure if what I am thinking is healthy, but I do know that I am not kicking that imaginay coke can through the streets of lonelyville anymore.
I feel for the people that have gone through the pain of break ups and the times that I have seen people come to the point of total distruction and turmoil, but we all seem to go through those times of puppy love or bad divorces and/ or seperations. I guess we at times need to just be thankful for being alive and the ability to still give someone our love without reservation. I have a question for you my friend, why do people put themselves through these things although they know it simply will not work?. If you can answer this question people would pay you good money for your advice and guidance, so thank you for a story from the past and a look into your heart.
Well if I was to be an instructor at SJVC....I would probably teach....hmm....some kind of GE class or so...I would most likely say sociology or psychology...I would approach my classes with all I know and I will try my very best to understand everyones situation in their lives and then have them use their daily lives and integrate it in class...or in classroom activities....
I'm glad to have gotten the chance to enroll in this college at the time that I did...I know that teachers come and go and they also have lives and careers but these teachers that I've had here during my time here has been an experience that I've never had at any schools that I had attended and trust me I've attended many schools throughout my years....The teachers here at SJVC are wonderful and I'm glad that the best ones are still here today and I hope that they will continue to teach here that way the new students can experience what I had experienced and know what I now know because of the great BA teachers....they are more than just teachers they are mentors...Throughout my year here I've looked at most of them as mentors and used the knowledge that they've provided me and yes I am a better student, consumer, mother, sister, daughter, friend and a better person in all......
It's never too late to learn but it is too late not to....
If I were to teach here at SJVC, my goals would be to make the learning process memorable, relative, and straight forward. Each person learns differently, so I would want to have my classes working together, with individual projects, and public speaking through presentations (builds confidence). Each day would be different, almost theatrical. I would want the students to say, "Yeah, we have Mr. Christopherson's class this term!" I would focus on real life, relative situations, and how the vocational preparations apply to the day to day things that are being faced. I would also talk with my fellow faculty ad staff to take things from their experiences to put into my curriculum.
I realize that these classes are by the books, but I don't see why they have to be like the reading, unless you're reading between the lines.
Chris Christopherson!
Teaching here at SJVC, I could never be as good as Mr. Judd, because he is the Bomb. While working in his classes Mr. Judd has been very pleasing and a pleasure. Mr. Judd knows what and how to make people feel. My teaching methods would be to have people believe in themselves and to do their very best and with the hope that they could go beyond their expectations and Graduate from SJVC.
I look forward to having Mr. Judd in any of my classes in the future because he makes it fun to learn.
Peace Out......
Being a good teacher is in the blood, and with out a doubt Mr. Judd is one of the best because of his easy going attitude and great way of living, learning, and teaching. A person that has the same qualities like Mr. Judd will always have a great impact on many peoples lives and memories and I guess that's why he will stay amongst one of my best memories when I graduate and think back of being here at SJVC.
Peace Out.......
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