Knock Knock, Neo...
The 21st century seems to hold a lot of technological promise for our children and grandchildren. A lot of problems, too. Specifically, I’m referring to the human race. Humans have not evolved for a hundred thousand years. We lived off the land and had no further need to adapt in the radical ways that were need to survive the millions of years that came before. We knew how to make fire, use tools, reason and preserve ourselves. In the last 6,500 years we have learned to use a monetary system, trade and barter, use written languages and ultimately in the 20th century we became industrialized. We made machines that made more machines to make our lives easier and simpler. Or, did we?
Currently there are several debates raging about the future of the human race. Will we succumb to extinction? Will we evolve into a myriad of hybrid species? Will we spread out to the stars? One thing is for certain; we will change. It seems that we have reached a crossroads of sorts and it will be very interesting to see what happens in the next 20 – 30 years. We already have enhanced humans living among us. Steroids enhance strength. Artificial robot limbs for amputees. Ear implants, retinal implants; all made by computers to enhance us. Remember the story about the scientist that implanted a USB port on his arm so that he could “feel” his wife’s touch from across the Atlantic Ocean? This is the dawning of a new age. Humans will probably fall into a few different categories within a couple of decades: Those that are enhanced, those that choose not to be and those that can’t. The social and environmental impacts are so far reaching that it would be impossible to predict the effects, but there will be effects, you can count on that.
I believe that my generation and the ones before will probably resist the changes. The generations that come after will probably embrace these changes just like they have embraced the technology of cell phones, laptops and Wi-Fi. Is it a matter of having the latest gadget or is it more embedded in our psyche? Are we compelled to be in the Lemmings race to the future and just accept these things as they come? What do you think?
Currently there are several debates raging about the future of the human race. Will we succumb to extinction? Will we evolve into a myriad of hybrid species? Will we spread out to the stars? One thing is for certain; we will change. It seems that we have reached a crossroads of sorts and it will be very interesting to see what happens in the next 20 – 30 years. We already have enhanced humans living among us. Steroids enhance strength. Artificial robot limbs for amputees. Ear implants, retinal implants; all made by computers to enhance us. Remember the story about the scientist that implanted a USB port on his arm so that he could “feel” his wife’s touch from across the Atlantic Ocean? This is the dawning of a new age. Humans will probably fall into a few different categories within a couple of decades: Those that are enhanced, those that choose not to be and those that can’t. The social and environmental impacts are so far reaching that it would be impossible to predict the effects, but there will be effects, you can count on that.
I believe that my generation and the ones before will probably resist the changes. The generations that come after will probably embrace these changes just like they have embraced the technology of cell phones, laptops and Wi-Fi. Is it a matter of having the latest gadget or is it more embedded in our psyche? Are we compelled to be in the Lemmings race to the future and just accept these things as they come? What do you think?
Karen S.
This article is very interesting. I would never of thought about how technology has impacted my life and my mom's life. Especially at her age of 70 years old. I look back to my mom's time they didn't have all these things we have now. Oh, boy we are in for new world. I guess since I am still young I have to deal with change.
Wow! This is something that is truly conceivable. Imagine when these things are actually going on. Hybrid, or cyborg, is coming and bionic limbs are nearing existence. Soon the world will be so different compared to what we are used to. Technology is something that we all getting used to. But what are the downfalls going to be. Wars, superhuman soldiers, and artificial intelligence. When the Martrix came out some of the things that were discussed seemed farfetched are now becoming reality. Are we plugged in, or about to be taken over by machines in the next fifty years? Advances in technology are paving the road to the future, it's interesting to see where that road goes.
Chris Christopherson
I look forward to the fun that my kids are going to go through with the science and new adventures that will be coming to them due to the world changing technologies and space exporation ships.
My heart will keep pounding with the years to come in regards to the chance that will present it self to my kids and their kids to come. I just hope that people don't want to be machines once that becomes a posibility.
Peace Out.......
Technology has gone beyond my understanding because of the new and better ways to get things done faster, better and with pin point accuracy. The kids now a days love the technology of today because of the entertainment and the fun that has kids plastered to bed rooms playing games until they have to go to sleep.
Science is doing things that are making those things on Star Trek come true and that blows my mind but we live in a time that is going to turn many non-believers into believers. I just can'twait to see whats next.....
Peace Out....
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