He who carries the biggest stick makes the rules...

I watched an animated movie called the “The Iron Giant” on Wednesday night. It deals with, on the surface, the relationship between a boy and a giant alien robot. It seems very cute and entertaining. But, the sinister underlying tone is war and those that covet it are vane, power-hungry megalomaniacs. I also watched a video on YouTube recently that was submitted by a Rush fan for their video “Force 10”. It shows Japan after WWII and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atom Bombings. I have never witnessed devastation on that level. It depicts piles of dead and children with radiation poisoning that are appalling and revolting beyond belief. It is a fact that the Japanese were ready to surrender because they had no more soldiers. The Japanese were training young boys and old men to take off and fly planes; but not to land them. This was so they could "Kamakazi" or suicide bomb carriers and destroyer ships. They were desperate for victory but it was not in the cards. The Nazi’s, Italians and Japanese (The Axis of Evil) had already lost on all fronts, yet we chose to make our attacks more and more aggressive. We had to win; no matter what the cost or what we had to do.
I never looked at war with more than a passing fascination. I have always been on the non-committal side of war because I didn’t know all the facts. When you know the facts it will completely open your eyes and help you to see 20/20, if you will. I have said for more than the last few months that the war we are fighting in the Middle-East is an obvious front for greed and corruption. I know that these sound like really strong words but I have never had more conviction about anything in my life. I witnessed a close family friend brought home in a casket. She was literally blown to fractions by an “IED”. We call them landmines or RPG’s – rocket propelled grenades. Why does our government choose to use these vague descriptions and anagrams as descriptions of these events? Because, if the government and media don’t call them bombs we may not understand or miss the meaning of what has really happened. The bottom line is that people are dying for a war that is about greed and oil. "System of a Down" recently released a song that says, “Why is it that when we wage a war/why do we always send the poor?”. How sad and absolutely true. They have nothing to lose; they have nothing to go home to so they enlist hoping for the government to fulfill a promise of a college education and a pension. This is not so. If you are wounded in battle or can’t complete your duties for whatever reason, your pension is prorated. In other words, they give you $10,000 up front. If you don’t complete your duties, they take money back based on how much time you actually served. How wrong is that?
So, don’t be deceived. This war is about greed; it is about oil. Have we found WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction)? Have we found Anthrax or Mustard Gas? In a word…NO. We have to make a difference. Become educated about the facts. Know what your chosen party is about and what they support. I have changed my thinking in the last couple of years; I have become educated. I have opened my eyes, thinking and heart to the truth. I don’t think that I’ve become a bleeding-heart, but I do believe that I don’t want my children to go to war because of our government’s lust for oil. What do you think?
I never looked at war with more than a passing fascination. I have always been on the non-committal side of war because I didn’t know all the facts. When you know the facts it will completely open your eyes and help you to see 20/20, if you will. I have said for more than the last few months that the war we are fighting in the Middle-East is an obvious front for greed and corruption. I know that these sound like really strong words but I have never had more conviction about anything in my life. I witnessed a close family friend brought home in a casket. She was literally blown to fractions by an “IED”. We call them landmines or RPG’s – rocket propelled grenades. Why does our government choose to use these vague descriptions and anagrams as descriptions of these events? Because, if the government and media don’t call them bombs we may not understand or miss the meaning of what has really happened. The bottom line is that people are dying for a war that is about greed and oil. "System of a Down" recently released a song that says, “Why is it that when we wage a war/why do we always send the poor?”. How sad and absolutely true. They have nothing to lose; they have nothing to go home to so they enlist hoping for the government to fulfill a promise of a college education and a pension. This is not so. If you are wounded in battle or can’t complete your duties for whatever reason, your pension is prorated. In other words, they give you $10,000 up front. If you don’t complete your duties, they take money back based on how much time you actually served. How wrong is that?
So, don’t be deceived. This war is about greed; it is about oil. Have we found WMD’s (weapons of mass destruction)? Have we found Anthrax or Mustard Gas? In a word…NO. We have to make a difference. Become educated about the facts. Know what your chosen party is about and what they support. I have changed my thinking in the last couple of years; I have become educated. I have opened my eyes, thinking and heart to the truth. I don’t think that I’ve become a bleeding-heart, but I do believe that I don’t want my children to go to war because of our government’s lust for oil. What do you think?